Thursday, October 25, 2007


She just may have saved my life.

I'm terrified of walk-in freezers. I know, I know, crazy. But really, I have a phobia about them. I don't like walking in them. For two reasons:

1. Shoes and food should not be together. Under no circumstances should shoes (hello... inside said shoes are FEET, people. And after any amount of time in shoes, FEET aren't nice) be anywhere around FOOD.
2. I think I'm a closet claustrophobic. No pun intended. I really think I'm claustrophobic. But only when it comes to walk-in freezers.

When I'm too cheap to pay a buck for a pop in the lunchroom, I dash downstairs to the catering departments freezers and scope around for pop. And so I have to go to the walk-in. It's terrifying to me. Yes, #'s 1 and 2 are dreadful enough, but WHAT IF THE FREEZER CLOSES BEHIND ME AND I DIE IN THERE?

Seriously, I think she saved my life.


1 comment:

JulieGong said...

I'm glad I could help ya out!