Back from a Dominican vacation, all relaxed, refreshed and... FREEZING. Came home to snow for crying out loud. My flip flops did not keep me warm on the long walk back to the car... nor did the $93.00 we had to pay to get it out of short-term parking.
Whatevs. It was worth it.
The Husband and I reconnected on a sexual level while away. And, I'm happy to say, it's continued here at home. We're having sex just for the sake of having sex. Not to get pregnant, just to enjoy each other. And it's been fucking amazing! The best sex we've ever had.
Yes, it's always better on vacation. But to have it continue in the homestead? It's a pleasant bonus.
We dined. We drank. We danced (all the resorts have thier own "line dances" and at the end of the night after much rum, everyone joins in. A hoot!) And we shopped. Suitcase full of coffee and rum to prove it. Positively delightful.
Now, it's back to the grind. I'm feeling so good that I'm actually starting the job-search (aka, business start-up), and it feels great. I feel focussed. I feel empowered.
I feel the need for a rum and coke!

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