Monday, January 28, 2008


Back from a Dominican vacation, all relaxed, refreshed and... FREEZING. Came home to snow for crying out loud. My flip flops did not keep me warm on the long walk back to the car... nor did the $93.00 we had to pay to get it out of short-term parking.

Whatevs. It was worth it.

The Husband and I reconnected on a sexual level while away. And, I'm happy to say, it's continued here at home. We're having sex just for the sake of having sex. Not to get pregnant, just to enjoy each other. And it's been fucking amazing! The best sex we've ever had.

Yes, it's always better on vacation. But to have it continue in the homestead? It's a pleasant bonus.

We dined. We drank. We danced (all the resorts have thier own "line dances" and at the end of the night after much rum, everyone joins in. A hoot!) And we shopped. Suitcase full of coffee and rum to prove it. Positively delightful.

Now, it's back to the grind. I'm feeling so good that I'm actually starting the job-search (aka, business start-up), and it feels great. I feel focussed. I feel empowered.

I feel the need for a rum and coke!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Today is day 1 of ovulation and I'm not in the mood.

More wine.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Porn, not just maids and nurses anymore.

So I was browsing through my hard drive the other day and came across some porn.

After the initial shock wore off (and after downing a beer), I went back to the computer and tracked all the porn I could find, wrote down all the info I could gather from each picture (ie: somebody's Apartment, So and So in Brazil, Tits something or other, Erotic webcams...and so on and so forth), hid the booklet I took the notes in, downed another beer, and walked around my kitchen. Ok, so I guess the shock hadn't worn off.

Suddenly, I was rather impressed. The Husband is more of a voyeur than I thought. (It's always the quiet ones!). Next thought... "where can I buy a hot nurse outfit in this town?" I was totally planning on capitalizing on The Husband's apparent enthusiasm for porn and join in on the fun. I mean, why not?

Now, the pictures were not of nurses, but of doctors. The women portrayed were in a dominating pose/character/what the hell ever. So hmmmm... that means that The Husband may like to be dominated? Wants to give up all control and let someone else take over?

I found myself getting a bit turned on! I used to LOVE that! I was always the one in control. I was always the dominate partner. I Loved to do all the work! (And then I met my husband and fell in love and got in the mindset that seeing as I loved him, we should make love, not fuck. That sort of thing. How completely silly. And, if these pictures were anything to go by, what a complete waste of the last 5 years.)

Went to bed at that point, plotting a hot surprise for him.

Got up the next morning, waited for him to leave for work, grabbed the notebook and started googling the information I found.

After 2 hours of viewing porn and after 2 hours of being grossed out (some pictures are just TOO close up), I went back to the original pictures I found, only to notice the date that they had been viewed. August 27, 2007, 3:14pm.

The Husband was at work.

Who the hell was looking at porn on my computer? I was home, but I'm not into porn, let alone look it up on the net for crying out loud. Did anyone come over at 3:14 in the afternoon, I can't remember? And if so, why would they be looking at porn on my computer?


So, I was a bit disappointed in realizing that it wasn't The Husband's (for two reasons, 1) it would have meant that I knew something about him that he didn't know I knew, delicious, no? and 2) it would have given me some sexual ammunition so to speak.

Now, we just go back to him burping and farting and watching tv.

Yes, I'm a bit disappointed.
