Thursday, December 20, 2007

Stage 3

So the third stage of grief is bargaining.

Bargaining: This is “the what if or I should have” stage. The mind is engaged in negative streaming, brain-locked in an upsetting point in time. Be aware of negative thought streams to objectify them; have a logical discourse with your thoughts. Then you can invest your energy into a solution.

So this sounds kind of like where I am right now. Going over things in my head. If I did this, or that, perhaps I wouldn't have been fired. If I had of taken less sick days maybe I wouldn't be where I am right now. If I had of just kept on going....

Woulda Shoulda Coulda.

I had a dead baby inside of me. I needed those sick days. I had surgery. I needed those sick days.

I've got to just fuck off. Screw the bargaining with myself. It's done. I did nothing wrong. My performance was not the issue. The decline in the industry was the issue.

So be it.

Interesting read here actually. A different view. I like how they change the term "5 stages of grief" to "5 stages of receive catastrophic news". Puts a new energetic on it.

Good times.

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