Thursday, August 2, 2007


I'm horrified. I'm terrified.

Had a D&C a week ago today. Called my OBGYN the next day and made an appointment for September, as she asked me to before going under.

Got home today to a voicemail saying it's the doctors office and they have an appointment for me.


But I already have an appointment. Why do they want to see me again? What the hell is going on? Do they have horrific news for me? Did something happen during the D&C to make them call me, now that my doctor is back from vacation, and make them want to see me right away? Did they find something out of the ordinary during the procedure that they have to inform me of earlier than my September appointment? Did they find cancer or something? Did something go horribly wrong while I was on the operating table?

Or was it just a blooper on the receptionists part and she forgot that we've already booked an appointment?

What the fuck is going on?

I'm completely freaking out here. I don't know what the fuck is going on. They were sending it for genetic testing because it was over 10 weeks. I was told the results wouldn't be back for three months or so. I put it out to the universe that the results would come back WAY sooner.... is it possible that it actually happened? That the results came back in less than a week?

Or did they find something horribly wrong. Is something deadly happening?

What the fuck?


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