Thursday, June 28, 2007

Not that kind of Mommy.

So Stacey and I hit our first pre-natal yoga class last night. I'm the skinniest! YAY!

There are only about 10 of us there, 1 due in July, 4 due in August, the rest due in the fall, and one gal is due 4 days before me in January. So, I'm the "youngest" and skinniest.

Stace and I were the first to arrive. Put our mats down and were chattering away for a few minutes when others began to trickle in. Most of them knew each other from the last classes and were chit chatting. Then they zoned in on me and Stace. The newbies.

"What's your name?"

"You're tiny, you are starting early."

"When are you due?"

We were absolutely peppered with questions. Absolutely peppered. Remember, I'm only 12 weeks. I haven't discussed my pregnancy with anyone other than my husband, my mom, and my 3 closest friends.

I was extremely uncomfortable with the questions. It's like my private little world of the past 8 weeks is slowly disappearing. My little secret is now coming out in the open. I'll have to start talking about it with other people. Ewwww.

I'm a very private person. Very private. Extremely private. And now I'm being asked questions about a very private thing. And being given advice by people who don't know me but think there's this bond just because we have something in common. People get pregnant every day for crying out loud. It doesn't automatically make them bestest friends with other pregnant women.


I already have a friend.

I don't need anymore.

I've better get used to this or it's going to be a really long 6 months.


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