Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Funny Tuesday

Funny, the President has insisted that I work with a few community people in bringing their events on site. I have to be pleasant, work closely with them, not charge them too much (well, not charge them at all), and pretty much listen to them whine and not know what they're doing.

The thing is,

I hate community events.

I hate whiners. I hate hearing people bicker over 500.00 200.00. If it's in the 10 thousands, let's talk. If it's in the hundrends, don't waste my fucking time.

Yet I have to grin and bear it.

God. Tedious. Awful. I'm used to dealing in the 400-500/600K range. Don't fucking bitch at me that it costs $100.00 to set up picnic tables.

Fuck off.

Funny, I thought I'd be delighted that we have a dishwasher in this new house. I am delighted. Just not so delighted to find out the hard way that certain items just don't survive going through the cycle. Really, just a few pieces of tupperware, my bbq tongs, a few nice non-sticks, easy things to pick up. Just annoying when you want to use them now only to remember they've bit the dust in last night's supper wash.


Much more important things to think about right now than broke non-profits and lost tupperware.... such as, am I pregnant? Will find out soon enough I suppose. Also, must fret about bathroom furniture seeing as we still have none. Not even a mirror for christ sake. But, The Husband is picking it all up tomorrow.

Now, if only he could stop the shower curtain from billowing.


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