Sunday, March 30, 2008

Such a great day today.

After the snow and hail of last night, today was beautiful and warm and sunny. I sat on my deck for a good part of the day, having a drink and ciggie and looking over my back yard, trying to decide what to do first. What I was going to plant where. When I should weed the veggie garden to get it ready for planting. When to chop down the old fruit tree that's got to go (the good ones are staying).

Zipped to the grocery store. Zipped to the liquor store. Zipped to a friends' place for a quick cup of coffee.

Just putted around really.

Right now I have a delicious marinade basting away. Scallops, veggies. Yum.

The Husband is working a show tonight so I'm relishing in the house with a glass of wine and some music on.

Just being.

Good times.


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